Clean Fill Sand
Clean Fill Sand
Fill sand is a type of sand commonly used in construction and landscaping projects for various purposes. Its primary use is to fill gaps or voids, providing a stable foundation or surface. Here are some of its common applications:
Foundation Work: It is often used to level out and fill the ground beneath foundations, driveways, or patios, helping to create a stable base for building structures.
Landscaping: Fill sand is frequently used to raise the level of soil in landscaping projects, like leveling uneven ground, filling holes, or creating berms or mounds.
Backfilling: After installing pipes, utilities, or other underground systems, fill sand is used to backfill the trench and provide stability to the surrounding area.
Creating a Drainage Layer: It can be used in drainage systems or as part of a French drain to allow water to flow freely while providing support to surrounding areas.
Paving and Road Construction: Fill sand is used beneath roadways, parking lots, or pathways as a base material to support the weight and stability of the surface above.
Land Reclamation: Fill sand is sometimes used in land reclamation projects to raise the elevation of land, such as building new land areas near coasts or rivers.