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Over Seeder

Over Seeder

Regular price $110.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $110.00 USD
Sale Sold out

The secret to a luscious lawn is a combination of aerating, overseeding, and fertilizing.

We're aerating to allow nutrients, water, and air to reach the roots. Then we're overseeding with a mix of grasses to fill in the bald spots. And finally, we're fertilizing to give them a nutrient boost.

Follow these steps in the fall for a luscious lawn next spring.


Rental Rates

Half Day 80$

Full Day 110$

Delivery & Returns

All deliveries fees are non refundable.Please have a tarp in your driveway where you want your material dumped. Returns will only be granted access to if Rock Plant-It accidently brings the wrong material.

How Much Does A Yard Cover?

1 Yard covers a 10x10 area just about 3 inches thick.

Measure With Precision

Please make sure to measure your intended area with precision! The smallest measuring mistake could cost you another delivery charge.

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